True West Film Center

Through This Lens: ALL ABOUT EVE

January 13th, 2025
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By signing below, I, the volunteer (or volunteer’s legal guardian), acknowledges that entry into this agreement (“Agreement”) is in consideration of my participation as a volunteer (“Volunteer”) with the True West Film Center, a California non-profit corporation operating as True West Film (“True West Film”), and confirms my understanding and agreement with AVFilm to the following:

Safety and Conduct: I will comply with True West Film Volunteer policies, safety rules, conduct expectations, and other directions. I understand that True West Film does not tolerate bullying, harassment, threatening behavior, or violence of any kind.

Volunteer Not an Employee: I understand that I am not an employee of True West Film and will not be paid for participation as a Volunteer or be eligible for participation in True West Film’s benefit plans.

Event Behaviors: I agree that I will not consume any alcohol or other drugs at any True West Film event during any period where I am serving as a Volunteer at the event. If I am of the age of majority, I may (if I so choose) consume alcohol (but not to excess) at an event once my Volunteer service at the event has ended. However, prior to consuming any alcohol at an event, I must first remove or cover my Volunteer t-shirt or event uniform and not provide any Volunteer services at the event thereafter.

Awareness and Assumption of Risk: I acknowledge that volunteering at True West Film has risks. These risks may arise in a variety of ways, including from my: lifting heavy objects or other physical exertion, working with glass and electronic items, using hot or sharp objects or other tools , exposure to dust and loud noise, interacting with or being in the presence of other volunteers, visitors, or others, and/or exposure to COVID-19 or other infectious disease.

I assume and accept any and all risks of injury, illness, death, and property damage or loss that may arise from my presence at True West Film facilities or participation as a True West Film volunteer.

Release and Waiver of Liability I acknowledge that I will be required to sign a release and waiver of liability with and in favor of True West Film prior to my commencing any function as a Volunteer. I agree that I will not be able to act as a Volunteer in any capacity unless and until such release and waiver is signed by myself and (if applicable) my parent/guardian. I and my parent/guardian each intend to be fully bound by the terms of this release and waiver of liability.

Medical Conditions: I understand that I am solely responsible for knowing my own physical condition and making my own decision about volunteering.

Medical Care Consent: I authorize True West Film to provide me first aid, emergency medical assistance, and transportation. I understand that True West Film is not obligated to provide this care. I also understand that I am solely responsible for any costs related to my medical treatment and transport, and that True West Film does not provide health, medical, disability, or other insurance coverage for me.

Confidentiality: I may have access to True West Film’s confidential information. I will hold any such information in confidence and not disclose or use it except as True West Film expressly authorizes.

Megan’s Law: I understand that I may interact with minor children under the age of 16 while volunteering with True West Film. I confirm that I am not a registered sex offender and acknowledge that True West Film may, from time to time, verify this status through a web search with the U.S. Department of Justice (

Assignment of Work Product: I grant full rights to True West Film in any reports, brochures, website content, photos, images, videos, or other materials or works I may create in the course of volunteer activities, and any intellectual property rights in or derivatives of such materials.

Use by True West Film of My Name and Image: I consent to use by True West Film of my image, voice, name, and story, and of images of any works I may create as a volunteer, in True West Film’s digital and print promotional, fundraising, educational, and other communications. True West Film may use them without obtaining my approval or paying me for such use. I waive any legal claims related to such use, including claims relating to copyright or rights of publicity or privacy.

Applicable to All Volunteer Work: I understand this Agreement applies throughout the duration of my participation as a True West Film volunteer.

General Provisions: This Agreement will run in favor of each of True West Film and its directors, employees, and other volunteers, and will bind my heirs, next of kin, and legal representatives. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the other terms will remain effective.